Please note that the submission deadline has expired. You can buy your conference tickets via Eventbrite.
Key Topics
Topics may include, but are not limited, to:
- Sustainable Business Transformation
- Responsible Leadership
- Social Innovation
- Systemic Thinking
- Trust & Responsibility
- Positive Impact
- Change Management
- Governance
- Innovation in Leadership Education & Training
- Entrepreneurship & Intrapreneurship
- Creativity & Design
- Innovation Management
- Digitalization & Technology
- Social Engineering
- Clean Water, Air and Land
- Business Model Innovation
- Responsible Research & Publishing
Submission Categories
Submissions are currently accepted in the following five categories and should be aligned to our general conference Style Guide:
- Full Academic Papers (approx. 6000 words): Only full academic papers are subject to a double blind review process and should thus not contain any author identifying information,
- Interactive Sessions (approx. 500-3000 words),
- Practitioner Presentations (approx. 600 words, open format): Can be related to e.g. business solutions or current challenges,
- Poster Presentation /Exhibition (approx. 600 words),
- PhD Workshop
Download Call for Contributions
Submission Process
Please note that the submission deadline has expired. You can buy your conference tickets via Eventbrite.
Full paper submissions by July 31, 2018
All other submissions by September 14, 2018
Authors will be notified by August 24, 2018
Publication Opportunities
Your work will only be considered for publication if the respective submission has not been previously published elsewhere. Authors will be notified after the conference if their work was selected for publication in the conference book. Authors of full academic papers need to individually hand in their contributions for a special issue with the journal publisher.
Conference Book
After the conference, a conference book will be issued together with the publisher Springer. This book will include selected practitioner presentations and full academic papers.
Journal Articles
We are honored to announce publication opportunities in the following Special Issues:
International Journal of Management Education (IJME) – Website
Topic: “Looking forward: Leadership Development & Responsible Management Education for advancing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” (Call for Papers) -
Iranian Journal of Management Studies (IJMS) – Website
Topic: “Socially Responsible Organizations in the Digital Age” (Call for Papers) -
International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility (IJCSR) – Website
Topic: “Responsible Leadership in Times of Transformation” (Call for Papers) - Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society – Website
- Topic: “Responsible Governance in Times of Transformation” (Call for Papers)
International Journal of Management Education (IJME) – Website
Call for Reviewers
We would like to invite you to register as a reviewer for the 8thICSR Conference. To register, please write an email with the subject line “Call for Reviewers” to . Additionally, please indicate your field of expertise to facilitate the process of matching papers to reviewers.
CASM and the Wittenberg Center for Global Ethics will jointly offer a doctoral workshop for PhD students, for more information please see here.