We are calling for courageous and responsible leaders who will challenge the status quo and lead the transformation of business, politics, and society towards sustainable development. Effective leaders inspire, motivate and ignite people to act, enabling them to change the world for the better.
Our conference examines the topics of sustainability and responsibility from an international perspective. Together, we can develop future-oriented solutions, taking the sustainability debate beyond moralizing and promoting a holistic approach towards reshaping our institutions. We bring together different perspectives on global issues from various countries, actors and generations, to foster ideas and practices, which can be applied in a global context.
Join our conference from the 14th – 16th November 2018. To view the complete conference program, please click here. If you wish to download the program, please click here.
Feel free to have a look at our .
Ticket Information
Early Bird Price ended
Standard Ticket (14th – 15th of November): 590€
CombiTicket* (12th – 15th of November): 790€
*in combination with The 5th Responsible Management Education Research Conference
Regular Price: Registration open until 11.11.2018
Standard Ticket (14th – 15th of November): 750€
Ph.D. Workshop (16th of November): 100€
CombiTicket* (12th – 15th of November): 900€
*in combination with The 5th Responsible Management Education Research Conference
Conference Organisers
René Schmidpeter
Head Chair
Center for Advanced Sustainable Management at
Dear colleagues, experts and academics in the field of CSR and Sustainable Management,
It is a great honor for me and my team at CASM to host the International Conference on Sustainability and Responsibility this year in Cologne. I am particularly thankful to Prof. Dr. Joachim Schwalbach for giving me the opportunity to be part of the global sustainability and responsibility movement for the years to come. He has built a great network which will be a good base for new initiatives, global exchange and sustainable innovation. The bi-annual conference gives all of us the opportunity to continuously deepen our global networks, exchange latest sustainability knowledge and have a good time together in November 2018.
Till we see each other in Cologne next year we would like to inform you about any news regarding the conference as well as our other global activities on a regular basis. Thanks for becoming part of the global CASM community! If you would you like to support the conference, get engaged as a speaker or contribute new ideas or interesting topics please do not hesitate to contact me and my team at any time.
Your René Schmidpeter and CASM Team
Joachim Schwalbach
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
“After 14 years of running the Humboldt-University Conference Series, it’s time let the next generation assume the mantle. It is my great pleasure that Prof. Dr. Sarah Jastram and Prof. Dr. René Schmidpeter, two ambitious sustainability experts, will be taking over the conference going forward. However, don’t be surprised if you see me around, as I will be supporting future conferences in an informal capacity.”
Sarah Jastram
HSBA Hamburg School of Business Administration
“It is great to be part of this wonderful conference. I have been involved in the organization of the conference since 2010 and it always feels like a big celebration when so many experts and leaders from around the world join to discuss pressing topics and best practice solutions in the fields of sustainability and CSR. I look forward a lot to the next conference in Cologne in November, hosted by Prof. Dr. René Schmidtpeter!”