ICSR Conference Partners

GoldenBee CSR Consulting, founded in 2003, is one of the first professional organizations to embrace social responsibility and sustainable development in China.
Golden Bee strives to develop a close partnership with sustainability-oriented enterprises and organizations, serving them as a high-end think tank.

The Club of Rome European Research Centre
The Club of Rome – European Research Center is committed to a sustainable future. On the one hand, the Club of Rome places its focus on the relationship between man and nature, which requires a new foundation in the Anthropocene to tackle challenges such as global warming. On the other hand, another focus of the Club of Rome is the investigation of the consequences of digitization on individuals and the society.

Japan Forum of Business and Society (JFBS)
Japan Forum of Business and Society (JFBS) is an academic association which conducts academic research/discussion on the relationship between business and society focusing on global trends with encouraging cooperative relationship among academia, industry, government, labor, and NPO/NGO.

WEISS Institute
The Business Ethics Institute WEISS GmbH is an independent organization that develops ethical values and standards for business as well as “values based design thinking” with international ethics and economics professors and implements them in practice. The development of a professional framework for ethical and sustainable action in business is the primary goal of WEISS. The focus is on the education, consulting and training of managers in order to support them in the future-oriented direction of their business activities with practice-oriented ethical management tools.

The mission of Heldenrat GmbH is to build bridges between business and the social sector on the basis of cooperation and knowledge transfer. As a for-profit enterprise of the non-profit Heldenrat – Beratung für soziale Bewegungen e.V., our profits support the strengthening of social projects. Heldenrat GmbH is Germany’s first organisational consultancy to be established as a social business.

CupCycle is a service company that is specialised in developing and establishing individual reusable-cup-systems. The solutions, which are meant for hot and cold beverages to go, are supported by custom-built reverse vending machines and appropriate cleaning- and logistics-concepts. Based on this innovative approach CupCycle enables a systematic waste prevention in industries, leisure facilities and local communities.

The “German Network of Business Ethics“, EBEN Germany e.V. (Deutsche Netzwerk Wirtschaftsethik – DNWE) was founded in 1993 in Bad Homburg, Germany, as a non-profit organization. Today the organization consists of more than 600 members from business, academia, politics, and church. Their activities include the facilitation of networking between stakeholders and those interested in business and corporate ethics. DNWE is considered an intermediary between academia and practice with the purpose of facilitating a dialogue to tackle major social and economic challenges and to reconsider values and business ethics.

The Institute for Management Education & Culture (IMEC) is a modern management institute and provider of innovative concepts to increase performance of young professionals, executives and companies. In close collaboration with renowned universities, business schools and international partners the institute participates in research and development of following areas: Corporate Performance, Intercultural Management, Corporate Social Responsibility, Personal Coaching and Leadership.
With long-standing expertise, field-tested know-how and innovative approaches the IMEC regards itself as sparring partner, campaigner and driving creative force for its clients. Core fields are the systematic professional and personal development of executives and young professionals as well as the systematic performance enhancement of companies. – Learn more about our unique programs such as the IMEC Business trips, the IMEC APM (Advanced Performance Management) study program and the IMEC Young Professionals Program or the IMEC Coaching- & Consulting offer.

The CSR Dialogue Forum
The CSR Dialogue Forum is a non-profit organization that is operating worldwide, has network partners in more than 60 countries and serves as a pool of experts in the field of sustainability. In 2008, the CSR Dialogue Forum was founded, as a result of a project that was supported by the European Union, the Austrian Economic Chamber and respACT (“responsible action involving respect”). It was established as a strategic and open alliance by private initiators particularly aware of the significance of CSR and sustainability. The objective is to promote the economic concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and to integrate it into daily business of organizations. SInce 2015, the CSR Dialogue Forum is accredited at the United Nations.

The Sustainability Code
The Sustainability Code is a benchmark for sustainability management, which was developed in Germany by initiative of the German Council for Sustainable Development (RNE). The service of the Code database is available to companies on the website www.sustainabilitycode.org in German and English.
The Council established the (German) Sustainability Code as an instrument to manage and report corporate sustainability. With its update of the Sustainability Code in 2014, RNE reinforced its aim of advancing the idea of sustainability and of making companies’ sustainability performance transparent and comparable. In the process, the Sustainability Code provides the opportunity for dynamic standard setting by the companies themselves when they make applied and ambitious sustainability management their benchmark.

The Centre for Responsible Citizenship and Sustainability
The Centre for Responsible Citizenship and Sustainability located in the School of Business and Governance of Murdoch University in Perth, Australia, exemplifies efforts at the University to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs. It provides a platform for collaborative, inter-disciplinary work across the School of Business and Governance, all schools within Murdoch University, and outside institutions. The Centre seeks to advance teaching and research in areas that are at the heart of key global challenges and relevant to future university graduates and society at large.

Ecological Development Union International (EDUI) is a 10-year old Australia-registered NGO, albeit with a focus on China. The motto of EDUI is to promote a clean, resource efficient and recycling economy. Its main fields of interest are: environmental sustainability, business communications and ethics, social responsibility, education and health. EDUI currently counts 500 members worldwide.

Cologne Zoo
Impressive gorillas and rare tree-kangaroos: Start your personal tour through the jungle in the rain forest building. Discover an African river landscape in the middle of Cologne in the Hippodom. Encounter over 20 primate species in our ape buildings. In our large aquarium, you can dive into a fascinating underwater world. The terrarium and insectarium will whisk you away to exotic animal worlds.

German CSR Forum
German CSR Forum is Europe’s largest and renowned expert meeting on CSR and sustainability. The conference is held annually at different locations in Germany. The German CSR Prize was founded by the Forum and is awarded at the conference every year.

Sistema Fiep
The Federation of Industries of the State of Paraná – Fiep – is a complete structure that offers programs, products and services guided towards the benefit of workers, managers, businesses and communities. Fiep is the biggest representative entity of the industrial category, and incorporates more than one hundred affiliated unions, which represent more than 42 thousand industries. The Fiep System is comprised by four houses: Fiep, Sesi, Senai and IEL. As Fiep acts as a political and institutional wing of the industry, promoting the development of the sector and offering services to strengthen the companies.

Phineo makes recommendations to social investors about non-profit organizations and projects that suit their philanthropic plans. After going through a quality assessment process that we developed with experts in the field, NPOs that seem especially promising are awarded with the PHINEO impact-label.
As a not-for-profit corporation, PHINEO is supported by a broad alliance of business and civil society organizations. Supporting civic engagement for the purpose of common welfare – this is the mission of PHINEO.

The Institute for Integral Studies (IFIS) is a non-profit organization that catalyzes the recognition and further development of integral and likeminded approaches in academic research, higher education and research-based practice. IFIS is focusing on the connections between
- real-life challenges in our age of global crises and
- research into desirable futures and the conditions to bring them about
- the existing disciplinary and interdisciplinary fields of academic study
- fields neglected or dismissed by academic research
The commitment of IFIS’ members is to develop and help to make use of knowledge and wisdom with the sole purpose to contribute to the common good and to the well-being and sustainable development of the greatest number of sentient beings and their sociocultural and natural habitats.

The LiFT partnership, founded by IFIS, is an EU-funded series of projects that addresses “Leadership for transition”.
First, LiFT creates a forum for researchers, practitioners and civic activists in the fields of leadership and societal transformation to exchange knowledge and experience regarding personal, social and cultural skills which professional and civic leaders must possess in be able to empower other people towards sustainability and the common good.
Second, LiFT trains (potential) leaders and interested citizens to be more effective in supporting eco-system transitions (Scharmer 2009) on local, regional, national and transnational levels and to make the necessary changes in their private and/or professional lives as outlined in the SDGs.

Dr. Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AG, with headquarters in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen, is one of the most profitable car makers in the world. In 2017, Porsche delivered 246,375 vehicles of the 911, Cayenne, Macan, Panamera, 718 Boxster and Cayman models to customers worldwide. Porsche operates plants in Stuttgart and Leipzig as well as a development centre in Weissach. The sports car maker employs about 30,800 people. The Porsche principle of getting the most out of all opportunities stems from the race track and is embodied in every vehicle. Thanks to its high quality standards, 70 per cent of all Porsches ever built are still on the street today.

FEMNET e.V. is a German womens‘ rights organization based in Bonn. The NGO raises awareness about working conditions in the textile industry of the Global South with campaigns and educational programs and provides information on ethical public procurement. FEMNET calls on brands to respect human rights in their entire value chains and lobbies for effective laws to ensure responsible corporate behaviour. FEMNET also directly supports women in production countries who are fighting for their rights through a legal aid fund and projects against gender based violence and for improving child care facilities in garment factories.

Austrian Center for Sustainability

Austrian Council for Sustainable Development


B.A.U.M., the German Environmental Management Association, is one of the largest corporate and information networks for sustainable business in Europe with over 550 members. B.A.U.M. sees itself as a strong voice of sustainably operating companies and as a driver of sustainable development.
B.A.U.M. supports its members in the organisation and development of sustainability strategies and connects stakeholders from business, politics, economy, media and associations. Engaged companies are given a platform for practice-oriented exchange of information and experiences as well as input and impulses. Alongside conferences and congresses, projects and campaigns constitute the main focus of B.A.U.M.’s work.

ABIS – The Academy of Business in Society is a global network of over 100 companies and academic institutions whose expertise, commitment and resources are leveraged to invest in a more sustainable future for business in society. ABIS’ mission is to advance the role of business in society through research and education. Our ambition is to make a significant contribution to the debate and the practice involved in equipping current and future business leaders with the knowledge, skills and capabilities for the long-term success of business in society.

CSR Africa

The Africa Business & Social Responsibility Forum
The Africa Business & Social Responsibility Forum will allow companies on the continent to promote their “success stories” and draw inspiration from “best practices” in terms of Corporate Social Responsibility. Since 2017, more than 60 Companies and Organizations from 20 countries attended at this key Forum. From 27 to 28 February 2019, the third edition of the Africa Business & Social Responsibility Forum will take place in Kigali – Rwanda.

EICE is a Ljubljana based private institute. Operating since 2014, its main activities are research and development in the fields of corporate compliance and ethics, as well as development of the compliance profession in Slovenia and the wider region. Connecting compliance, ethics and other familiar professionals from variety of industries in Slovenia and surrounding region, EICE is meant to support the development of this young corporate function and profession, according to best practices, professional standards and considering characteristics, needs and benefits of local environment.

Eccos²² is the first quality seal for Excellence in Sustainability and Corporate Responsibility that aligns with international ISO and ecos.soc standards. It was developed in cooperation with Quality Austria. eccos²² serves as evidence for sustainable economic activity and for assessing the innovation and future viability of companies which is approved by independent third parties. This international quality seal confirms CSR Business Excellence in four categories and thus ensures competitive advantage and innovation drivers.

The WCGE is a non-profit Think Tank. It offers training in ethics to current and future leaders to equip them with systematic schemes of analysis and decision-making which can be applied in everyday work situations. It, as an institution, is independent and takes a global outlook. Its training is based on a long-standing tradition of academic research and the specific formats we offer include seminars, dialogue processes and research and teaching projects in cooperation with higher education institutions.
For more information see: https://www.wcge.org

Weltethos Institut
The goals of the University of Tübingen’s Weltethos-Institut are to promote awareness of moral issues among economic and political actors and to facilitate meaningful intercultural dialogue and trust. It was founded in 2012 with a specific mandate to tackle ethical challenges facing the 21st-century globalised business and society through research, teaching and public engagement.
To stimulate an innovative risk-management that combines social, ecological and ethical know-how the institute offers an Ambassador-Program for Executive Learning. Inspired by Hans Küng’s Global Ethic Project (https://www.global-ethic.org) and financed through the generous support of the Karl Schlecht Stiftung (www.karlschlechtstiftung.de) the Weltethos-Institut is overseen by Director Prof. Dr. Dr. Ulrich Hemel.

Volans – The Business of Business is Change! We translate the emergent future and make it actionable for business leaders, so they can drive positive, breakthrough change – and become tomorrow’s success stories.

CSR Kompetenzzentrum
The CSR-Kompetenzzentrum Rhine Valley aims to foster awareness on CSR and knowledge on responsible business practices amongst SMEs. We act as a strong local partner and distribute practical information in the fields of market, employees/workplace, environment and public welfare.
A holistic approach is very important to us – CSR shall no longer be perceived as a mere to-do and compliance task but be understood as strategy and method to generate advantages in the market place.
ICSR Conference Supporters

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